Welcome to my new website. This is the part where I’m supposed to say something brilliant about how much fun I’ve been having bringing this to you and what a joy it’s been to be a big part of creating such a masterpiece.
(1) This has been more work than joy
(2) I have quite a few people lending their considerable talents to something that is going to have my name all over it (even though they did most of the work)
(3) I’m not really having that much fun right now….
Okay, maybe a little. But, don’t tell anyone. It will spoil the snarky mood I’m trying to invoke. Okay (again) not really. *sigh*
What you see in front of you has come at the end of many, many months of work. It was supposed to launch in June, but we decided to give it yet another month. Not because we couldn’t aggregate our fecal matter—(again, wonderful people…working very hard). But, because life stepped in, and work stepped in…and, honestly, it just wasn’t ready. There. I said it. So…it’s ready now, right? Oh, that that were true.