
Georgia Mordant World Meet-up 2011 Leveling Up Your Life

Recorded in Atlanta, Georgia in June for the Mordant World Meet-up at the Phoenix & Dragon Bookstore, Mordant discusses Leveling Up Your Life. Here are the highlights: • The brain...

Learning a New Thing from a Dragon Speaking…Naturally

So… I’m trying something new. I’m trying Dragon NaturallySpeaking. It’s voice-recognition software that allows me to dictate my e-mails, my documents, even spreadsheets. Anything that I would normally type, I’m...

Welcome To My Mordant Website

Welcome to my new website.  This is the part where I’m supposed to say something brilliant about how much fun I’ve been having bringing this to you and what a joy it’s...

Emily Gergen

Mordant converses with singer/songwriter Emily Gergen about traversing the crossroads and taking advantage of new performance opportunities in her life.

Jennifer Jordan

Mordant chats with author Jennifer Jordan about her anthologies and her process in creating multi-dimensional, memorable characters. Topics covered are writing, crime stories, serial killers, and Batman.

Suzette Guthrie

Mordant cuts up with videographer and on-air talent Suzette Guthrie in this very first Mordant World video podcast.

Sarina Stone

Mordant enjoys a conversation with his co-author of Why Real Women Drink Straight Tequila—The Tao of Intimacy, Sarina Stone.

Mark Sly

Corporate suit turned musician Mark Sly regales Mordant with his life-changing experiences, beginning with his adventure at Ground Zero on September 11, 2001.

Melissa, Michelle, & Lisa – The Fabulous LaBellas

Mordant enjoys the melodic singsong of the LaBella sisters

Frank DeFeo

Mordant converses with Frank DeFeo about going from a dealership service manager to Croftgate USA’s National Sales Director.

Outside My Comfort Zone

Here I was, cresting the wave of this high I’ve been on lately. Smooth sailing all the way, with nothing but the open seas before me. When all of the sudden I run smack-dab into the wall that is my Comfort Zone. Actually, I’m not much of a boating person; this is only a metaphor. The wall? That’s a metaphor, too. My Comfort Zone, however, and me needing to be on the outside? That’s all too real. What actually constitutes a “Comfort Zone”?

Dr. Sarah Cutler

Mordant chats with Dr. Sarah Cutler